Give your computers a healthy name!
I was cleaning Mommy's bedroom when I saw this blue plastic case full of dusts. Oh sheep, I found my decaying hahah well yeah almost, 7 year old broken laptop. My very first black laftaf. I owned a notebook pc first before I really owned my desktop pc. So this Toshiba CTX EZBook was like a gift sent from heaven. Why is it decaying now? A bit long story.I had it when I was in first year highschool. I don't know how I persuaded my dad to buy me one but I think it's because of the "grades deal". Being on top of the batch once maybe lighted up his mind and God answered my prayers. Holla Laftaf! Welcome to the Philippines! Bought from Japan though if you turn it down, you'll see "Made in the Philippines". See how goofy these imported products can be?
Oh what a pleasure then to surf the web right at my study table. I won't have to go to those internet cafes charging 90 bucks an hour (back then it was that O_O say unreasonable? hahah). Good thing, there was this SurfNet internet card, 100 pesos for three hours! (How is it now? 100 for 25 hours? ) There, my laftaf and I enjoyed browsing the web mostly chatting and sending mails... a/s/l... I was 13/f/philippines then.
One day, I saw ants climbing right up my LCD. The next day, there were three. The following day I saw a bunch of them chasing each other on my keyboard. Holy Ants! Where art thou coming from? (Baka naligaw lang sila...) Then the next few days... my space bar seemed like it's not functioning well so I thought it needed cleaning. When I lifted my keyboard pad, there were a handful of ants partying! Well they were black ants. Good ants. No biting or else...
Later on I found out they made their home inside my hard drive. The computer started crashing often and one day it just died. We had it repaired. A 5GB hard disk drive for a laptop then cost around Php 15000... After three months it crashed again. I was so frustrated I broke the LCD... heavy hands... very heavy.
Sigh... what a waste. I didn't even gave it a name. It must be lonely to die without a name. Until now, even if I try to think of what to call it, nothing pops up. From then, every computer even printers, I give them names. My Compaq computer Voz, the old HP 670C printer is Penny, HP 3550 is Hippie, Momo is my new desktop pc, HP 3940 is Jet and my Epson C67 is Twinny. I dunno how on earth I thought of those.
Anyway, I'll post a picture of CTZ Toshiba I took a few minutes ago.