When People Love You A Little LessBrr such a cold day it was!
When Chaos ruins the land
And heartbeat stricken poses
A threat not new to man.
-Summer Noon
I confess taking things in a non-troubled way. My heart whispers to me words of tranquil
and peace. Soaring angels are with you. My prayers always will. There is nothing
I should fear.
Yet still dumbfounded of where you were. Of things going inside your head. Can I take a
peek, my lord? The vicious part of my cunning heart asks, "Aren't you frightened? Of others
to take away his soul?". I do not wish to think. Indeed, I do not wish to think of you
not beside me.
But somehow, today is much colder than what others feel. My love, there is winter inside
me. See how dreadful my soul is! See how my voice trembles in every word I speak!
I am sorry from the depths of my soul. I lied to you when I said I didn't notice how you
were yearning for someone. Of course I knew. I know every single thing.
I was just trying to lighten things a bit. To send you some laughs. Some fragments of my
smiles. Not very much comforting. But I tell you they are as genuine as the Sun. I
wanted to lift your mind from afar. To see some light in the darkness.
Yet I was wrong. I should have come to you with all the chaos around. I should not have
wanted to bring you light but join you in the pitch black world. I should have shared with
you tears and confusion.
Disappointment, failure and madness. These I promise not to let you feel.
Let me banish limitations. Let me conquer your fears.
I beg you not to love me a bit little less.
In pure light, some things are left unseen.
Ney, my heart aches. I don't want to feel this way but I just can't.
I'm so useless. Can't even be a good girlfriend.